There is no greater honor than being someone's first watcher, and continuing to watch that person for over three years. Gerganafen is that person. He has demonstrated loyalty for the longest period of time of any of my watchers. I have also volunteered to produce an image for him, despite him not asking; and while I haven't produced any more for him since then, I think the time for another is coming soon.
His passion for Winx Club and W.I.T.C.H can be seen in the 449 images he has posted in his gallery across ten years. He regularly commissions other deviantArt users to assist him in his fan stories of both series.
Not only has he remained on deviantArt after the Eclipse, his loyalty towards Wnx and W.I.T.C.H has remained just as strong as ever. Likewise, I have not forgotten about you.
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FOTM - Friend of the Month