Perhaps the most unusual recipient of this honor, given that he and I have interacted the least amount of times of all the people I have honored and plan on honoring. Still, he is a recipient nonetheless.
I first came across Usaporkchops back in December of 2020 when I published Vicky (chainsaw) due to his love of women and chainsaws. At the time of its release, I had about one hundred and forty images in gallery; yet, he went through my entire gallery and then decided to watch me.
I find this impressive, given that the majority of new watchers are only familiar with my most recent work(s). He however, decided to look through one hundred and thirty-nine of my older images and favorite a decent number of them, including ones I don't even like anymore, given how badly they have aged; alternatively, how much better I have become.
Plus, he also gave me a heart badge for Vicky (chainsaw), over an entire year after I first published it. And that is why I give you a special thanks. And while I don't exactly plan on making more chainsaw female images any time soon (until I play through the Resident Evil games again and feel inspired), I still appreciate what you did.
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