
Student at Regal Aca

Regal Academy

Fairy Tale Land

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Z-Saint-Box's News

Posted by Z-Saint-Box - May 9th, 2023


You are reading that title correct. It's the sequel to my first hiatus. Like last time, I won't be accepting requests, unless you are a friend and you happen to find me at the right time.

The primary reason behind this hiatus however, is due to the amount of time it is taking for me to produce higher-detail images; i.e. I plan on dramatically improving my overall art style.

While I am glad that my art has improved over the years, it is not to the level that I want it to be; and it explains why I barely cracked one hundred watchers earlier this year, after four years of being on deviantArt. This may also explain why my view count on Newgrounds has plummeted.

If you're wondering if I'm only going to do high-detail images from now on, I will still produce images in my old, simple design. If for some reason you are concerned, I only want to improve. Like I said, four years have passed since I made my deviantArt account.

Like last time, I will be posting cartoon screenshots on deviantArt and tumblr. As for my fans here on Newgrounds, I cannot post them on this site due to its strict policy against unoriginal content. I'm still going to log in regularly and maybe even post one or two things on the forums, but I will primarily remain active on my other two accounts.

I can't believe I have to do this when I just earned several new watchers on deviantArt over the last three weeks, but anyways, this hiatus will last as long as it needs.

Posted by Z-Saint-Box - March 28th, 2023

I don't think it would be fair to deny ElAntonyos Friend of the Month. After all, he has genuine respect for my gallery, and he has tried to communicate with me, albeit infrequently and clumsily.

I first met him way back in 2021, when he favourited some of my Regal Academy images. When I asked how he found me, it took a month for him to reply, and when he did, we also talked a bit further, to the point where he inspired me to start an entire chat for people who would like to talk to me. If you were a part of the chat, or if you have been following the FOTM, you know that the chat died, and it was never anyone one's fault.

ElAntonyos not only has a life of his own, but deviantArt chat does not necessarily work for him (or for other users). Further complicating matters is that English is his second language. Later, I accepted his friend request on discord, but discord is a site I don't use often.

And while he does draw, he does not draw often, nor does he draw subject matter that I am interested in; so this is another reason why I was hesitant on giving him FOTM.

Still, Regal Academy has only a handful of fans, and there are even fewer male fans. Thus, I should thankful that there is someone else who likes the show as much as I do. As a result, he is still one of my supporters that I shouldn't dismiss or ignore. While I haven't done any of his requests, he at least favorites some of my images. He also likes one of my more unconventional ones. Ultimately, he at least tried to stay in contact with me. Similarly, I am glad you have followed me for as long as you have.

As a final note, I found out that Regal Academy youtube videos are back online. I made the discovery just last week, and I planned this FOTM before that. This cannot be simple coincidence. Instead, it must be fate itself.

Because this is the final FOTM, I don't know if I will award more in the future; ironically, this makes it more special. If you have received FOTM, you are part of a select few that I think are decent people; it is why I have given you advertising and hopefully helped you out by boosting your reputation and sending others in your direction. As stated before, the award is earned, not given; and I will remember any hospitality I am given because I am glad that I met you.

Previous FOTM: The first repeat

FOTM - Friend of the Month

Posted by Z-Saint-Box - February 28th, 2023

This is not an error. I believe SaraDarkees is deserving of Friend of the Month a second time. The first time lacked depth, but it is obviously the problem of being the first FOTM. This time, there is much more to talk about.

I never knew a show for little girls would foster a friend like Sara. The amount of text we have written between ourselves stretches across several months, and shows no sign of stopping. She is someone I can easily chat to at just about any time. We still disagree on various topics, but this is no issue, and ironically, a significant element in our friendship. I also love how she uses profanity as much as possible to be blunt and direct.

I'm very lucky to have another Lolirock fan to talk to, given how the fandom is practically on life support. And it's not just another fan, it's another fan that loves the show as much as I do, or at least talking about it as much as I do, given my criticisms towards both seasons. She was even familiar with my episode reviews for season one before she even created an account on deviantArt. I didn't even mention that she finished my Lolirock season two review on the day it was posted. Furthermore, she has read through my Lolirock fanfic scripts and given her commentary.

I am also responsible for giving her the idea of PraxinaxGramorr, which at the time, prevented her from falling asleep, and also earned her brief infamy in the Lolirock fandom. Still, I support whatever content she produces, to the point where I even translated two of her fanfictions. She is one more reason why the Lolirock fandom isn't completely dead, and the reason why I created a tumblr account. And it's not just Lolirock, we have talked about other shows, and even video games. She has even approved my more unconventional ideas.

For these reasons, we have occasionally favourited each other's images. And despite English being her second language, no language barrier can prevent us from chatting together, or stop us from having fun, just not that kind of fun.

Previous FOTM: He loves women and cars

Next FOTM: A Regal fan that should also be rewarded (the final FOTM)

FOTM - Friend of the Month

Posted by Z-Saint-Box - January 31st, 2023

When I was looking through my stats, I came across a user I had never seen before. Clicking on the link, I was taken to a gallery of beautiful women that were obviously drawn by a man. So who was he?

battalion113 chatted with me shortly after I watched him. After I had told him to visit my gallery for content similar to his, he decided to watch me back. Of course this was going to happen, given that we share a love of feminine beauty (or booty, if you will).

Afterwards, we chatted some more and I invited him to my main chat, where he had an idea to collaborate with me. I was more than happy to work with him; but the only problem is that the collab took months for him to finish, not because he's lazy; but because he had kept forgetting to post the complete image due to how busy he is. However, I am not here to criticize him. He deserves recognition for the conversations we have and the work he produces . It is the reason why I have also given him free advertising via a deviantArt post, so this FOTM is further advertising.

As a result of his aforementioned business, we don't chat as much anymore, but it is always fun to come back and check up on him. Most recently, I approached him with the idea of designing Jessica (his original character) in my own style, but given how busy I am (ironic, isn't it?), I have yet to to finish it. Likewise, I requested that he draw Rose, to which he did well.

As for you, I hope our next chat, or next collab is just as fun as the last one.

Previous FOTM: A fellow fan of Lolirock

Next FOTM: The first repeat

FOTM - Friend of the Month

Posted by Z-Saint-Box - December 27th, 2022

Tvisha, also known by her full username, TvishaLoliRock12 (and previously known as PrincessOfIndia12), is one of four princesses on Lolirock. Of course, she doesn't actually exist in the show, but she has a love for Lolirock like I do. So not surprisingly, we are watching each other on deviantArt.

While we have disagreed on the merits of Lolirock as a show, she has been respectful in our discourse. For that matter, she is respectful towards just about everyone she meets, unless you do something stupid, as some users have done.

She is the creator of Magical Lolistar and Lolisun, an ongoing series she has spent much time on. She has published between two and three episodes in a single week. This shows her dedication to her hobbies and expressing herself. By doing this, she has invited us into her own little world.

Like the previous FOTM, she is active on deviantArt. She primarily uses Vyond as her tool of choice. Other times, she uses picrew and Avatoons. On occasion, she may also draw traditionally, i.e. on a sheet of paper. No matter the style, Tvisha is actively participating on the site, despite also having a busy life of her own, such as the time she traveled to India.

Plus, I should also mention that she was on the honors roll for seventh grade; and I have no doubt that she will make the honors roll again for eighth grade; and this very journal is an honor she has made it on.

For these reasons, she is Friend of the Month for demonstrating good behavior like a princess, even after changing her name.

Previous FOTM: Someone on Newgrounds

Next FOTM: He loves women and cars

FOTM - Friend of the Month

Posted by Z-Saint-Box - November 29th, 2022

The first recipient that is not on deviantArt, and a relatively recent follower.

@SolidSnakeOnAPlane shares an interest in Craig of the Creek with me, as well as cartoons in general. He put my fanart of the show into his favorites, but what convinced me to give him this honor is how he likes my most controversial image, that being Stacks (drunk). Just about everyone on Newgrounds hates it, except for him. At the time I published it, I didn't think it would receive the amount of vitriol it had created.

I intended it to be a silly, humorous image, not something that is meant to be upsetting. SolidSnakeOnAPlane however, got this correct, and understands my intention of being funny with Stacks.

Beyond this, I love how active he is on Newgrounds. He regularly comments on just about everything he can, and gives as much feedback as possible. On occasion, he also enjoys posting his drawings, and has even offered to draw for other users, so long as the request is simple.

A website is only as strong as its users make it. And it is the reason why I accepted his friend request on the site. I should also mention that it is the first friend request I accepted on Newgrounds. And while I don't plan on making more images based on Craig of the Creek, I appreciate his participation wherever he is.

Previous FOTM: He loves bowling

Next FOTM: A fellow fan of Lolirock

FOTM - Friend of the Month


Posted by Z-Saint-Box - October 25th, 2022

At first, DonScal96 was just another random user that made a single comment on one of my DC Girls images; but because I produce images for the show's first generation, it was inevitable that he was going to watch me.

Ironically, the actual reason he decided to watch me is because the popup menu did not show up when he wanted to mention me for my request, which he volunteered to do. In addition, I have also occasionally accepted some of his requests.

Above all, he has read my DC Girls fanfics and given me feedback; and he has put a few of my images into his favourites. Plus, he helped me put Big Barda (singing) to the DC Girls fan clubs.

Given that I am not watching him, he has occasionally sent me some of his images via chat. He would like to share his hobby with me, which I do not mind. For these reasons, I give him the Friend of the Month Award, which interestingly, is similar to Hero of the Month from DC Girls.

If you are a fan of Generation One, check his work out.

Previous FOTM: He shows love when it's possible

Next FOTM: Someone on Newgrounds

FOTM - Friend of the Month

Posted by Z-Saint-Box - September 27th, 2022

kimpossiblelove is a big fan of my gallery; more specifically, my Lolirock images. Of which, make up entire sections in his Lolirock favorites folder. Beyond Lolirock, he has occasionally put my other images into his favorites. This demonstrates his love of cartoons, and I would like to thank him for his support, as well as the various conversations we had last year.

He was doubtful if we could talk; but in a bizarre twist, he ended up chatting with me far more frequently than any of the people I invited. While we haven't spoken in months, owing to the death of the chat, he had the most participation while it lasted; and in the end, it was fun.

Previous FOTM: Country boy

Next FOTM: He loves bowling

FOTM - Friend of the Month

Posted by Z-Saint-Box - August 30th, 2022

Perhaps the most unusual recipient of this honor, given that he and I have interacted the least amount of times of all the people I have honored and plan on honoring. Still, he is a recipient nonetheless.

I first came across Usaporkchops back in December of 2020 when I published Vicky (chainsaw) due to his love of women and chainsaws. At the time of its release, I had about one hundred and forty images in gallery; yet, he went through my entire gallery and then decided to watch me.

I find this impressive, given that the majority of new watchers are only familiar with my most recent work(s). He however, decided to look through one hundred and thirty-nine of my older images and favorite a decent number of them, including ones I don't even like anymore, given how badly they have aged; alternatively, how much better I have become.

Plus, he also gave me a heart badge for Vicky (chainsaw), over an entire year after I first published it. And that is why I give you a special thanks. And while I don't exactly plan on making more chainsaw female images any time soon (until I play through the Resident Evil games again and feel inspired), I still appreciate what you did.

Previous FOTM: A long-time follower on deviantArt

Next FOTM: He shows love when it's possible

FOTM - Friend of the Month

Posted by Z-Saint-Box - July 26th, 2022

There is no greater honor than being someone's first watcher, and continuing to watch that person for over three years. Gerganafen is that person. He has demonstrated loyalty for the longest period of time of any of my watchers. I have also volunteered to produce an image for him, despite him not asking; and while I haven't produced any more for him since then, I think the time for another is coming soon.

His passion for Winx Club and W.I.T.C.H can be seen in the 449 images he has posted in his gallery across ten years. He regularly commissions other deviantArt users to assist him in his fan stories of both series.

Not only has he remained on deviantArt after the Eclipse, his loyalty towards Wnx and W.I.T.C.H has remained just as strong as ever. Likewise, I have not forgotten about you.

Previous FOTM: A deviantArt user from Russia and a fan of Lolirock

Next FOTM: Country boy

FOTM - Friend of the Month